In this series we will be talking about development of a baby in our view, It’s variations, some alarming signs when you should seek help. Also a little information about how therapies work in different problems. 
Therapies: (rehabilitation therapies) A scientific way of treating child without any medicines or surgeries. In last few years it is been observed that there are different issues faced by parents and children during development which cannot be treated by surgeries or medicines yet requires special attention. Such problems are studied and tried to solve by different ways which are called as therapies. 
These therapies are further divided into sub groups as per their functionality. 
Some prominent therapies: 
1 Physiotherapy 
2. Occupational therapy 
3. Speech therapy 
4. psychology (behavioral therapy) 
Each of this therapy work in different area of functional problem. Today let us know more about these. 
Physiotherapy:  In this branch of therapy we deal with problems faced during physical development of child. For example, my baby has crossed 3 months yet not holding his head at all. 8-month-old baby of mine is unable to sit even after putting him to sit. My baby’s both legs are not equal or has less\extra finger. Also my baby keeps falling all the time. A physiotherapist can help in such issues. 
Occupational therapy: Now in this branch child’s sensations, their relation with world, their capacity to work as per age. These n many more such problems are dealt. Example my child doesn’t like to play with children with her own age. Our baby keeps repeating same thing again and again. My child’s grip is very weak. My son gets scared of non-specific stimulation. My daughter is too naughty doesn’t listen to anyone. These or similar questions are handled by occupational therapist. 
Speech therapist: Though this is called as speech therapy it deals with speech, mouth movements and deglutination. These therapist work on kids who do not open their mouth to eat some type of food. Like crunchy food, sticky food etc. These therapist work on children who cannot talk as well as kids who know how to talk but doesn’t know what to talk. 
Behavioral therapist (psychologist): in this therapy, therapist enters child’s world through his thinking and assess what are the issues child is facing to show some behavioral pattern. Also help him to overcome the same. 
Let’s understand; my child is too active doesn’t stop for a moment. My daughter is unable to talk fluently. My son refuses to go to school. Or she calls for fights all the time. These therapists help to solve such puzzles for parents.  
Though these are different branches they are inter connected. For example, a child walking on toes might be having tight calf muscles or hypersensitive feet or even balance issues. In such cases physio as well as occupational therapist work.   
Similarly, stammering child may require speech therapist as well as behavioral therapist. 
Now considering this at many centers like ours all therapist work together. So, a child can save on time and there is a good co-ordination among therapists to achieve best results. Similarly, at some places when such different specialists are not available one takes over other’s job to help child.  
Hope this was useful to you. In next article let's talk about Is my child growing properly? How should I know??? 
Dr Shiwangee Purandare 

