The eye exercises for students working online by Dr. Rukaiya Mithaiwala Physiotherapist

 Due to the current scenario, children are spending more time in front ofscreens. Studies, leisure activities, entertainment, all of it are through the screen. It’s therefore no surprise that the children are getting more tired, lethargic and moody. All this screen time can take a toll on their eye health. Staring at the screen for long periods of time can lead to dry eyes, fatigue of eye muscles and blurry vision, back and neck pain, headaches.
 Here are a few exercises we can do to prevent these adverse effects:

1.       Palming exercise
Cup your eyes with the palm of your hands and make sure no light gets in. Take deep breaths and visualise relaxing scenes like walking in the park, etc. Continue for 1-2 minutes and feel your eyes relaxing.

2.       Eye stretches
This helps to increase the circulation to your eyes by helping to stretch our extra-ocular muscles.
Look straight and with your eyes look all the way up. Count to 2 and then look all the way down and count to 2.
Then look to the extreme left. Repeat the counts and then look to the extreme right and count again.
Keep the head straight and only move the eyes.

3.       Blinking
One of the adverse side effects of looking at screens all day is that we don't blink very often. Look straight at a blank wall. Then, slowly close your eyes. Keep your eyes closed for half a second. Then slowly open them again. Repeat this blink 20 times in a row. You will feel your eyes getting refreshed with each blink. Your eyes will also feel more lubricated.

4.       Switching from near to far focus
Focus on the thumb at arm’s length from your face for 15 seconds. Find another object 10-20 feet away and focus on it for 15 seconds. Then shift your focus back to the thumb. Repeat 5 times.

5.       Clock on the wall
Imagine a clock on a blank wall. Give different timings and move the eyes according to where the hands of the clock would be at that time.

6.       Eye mazes
You can draw easy mazes like the one shown below and instead of using a pen, use the eyes to follow the path of the maze. Race through the maze as many times as you can in one minute.

7.       Peripheral vision
Shown below is a fun activity to expand the peripheral vision.
Begin by starting at the central dot. While keep the gaze fixed on the dot in the centre, read the words in the circle.

8.       Some games to play for better visual skills
Letter scanning in a newspaper or magazine. Look for a particular alphabet and circle it.
Magazine maze: take a page from a magazine or newspaper and go from the bottom to the top of the page with a pencil without touching any word or picture
Picture puzzles, spot the difference, drawing
